
2012/11/12 13:55:06 来源: 海天考研

  Guilty plea in deadly

  Tennessee school shooting

  A 15-year-old boy pleaded guilty Tuesday in the killing of a high school official and the wounding of two others under a plea deal announced after jury selection for his trial had started.

  The judge sentenced Kenneth Bartley Jr. to 45 years in prison for the single count of seconddegree murder and two counts of attempted second-degree murder in the 2005 shootings at Campbell County Comprehensive High School.

  The teenager could have faced a life sentence if convicted on the original charges. His plea deal was announced after special Judge Jon Kerry Blackwood consulted with defense and prosecution attorneys, the two surviving administrators and the widow of the man who died.

  The three school officials had confronted Bartley on Nov. 8, 2005, after hearing that he had a gun in the school. Bartley was in the principal’s office when he fatally shot Assistant Principal Ken Bruce, 48, and wounded Principal Gary Seale and Assistant Principal Jim Pierce.

  The defense conceded during the questioning of potential jurors that Bartley, then 14, shot all three men.

  The boy had been in and out of trouble while in middle school and had spent about a year and a half in a residential juvenile treatment program.

  Deputy Sheriff Darrell Mongar testified during a February hearing that Bartley told him the pistol was his father’s and he planned to trade it for OxyContin, a powerful painkiller.

  Pierce testified at that hearing that he told Bartley he wanted the gun the boy had in his pocket.

  “Kenny stood up with the gun waving it at all of us,” Pierce said. “Mr. Seale asked him if it was real. He said‘Yes, it’s real. I’ll show you. I never liked you anyway.”

  Pierce said Bartley pulled out an ammunition clip, loaded the gun and fired. Seale was shot first, in the lower abdomen. Bruce was shot in the chest. Pierce was hit in the chest as he struggled to disarm the youth, he testified.

  Bartley had been indicted on charges of first-degree murder and felony murder, both of which could have carried a life sentence—meaning a minimum of 51 years in prison. He also was charged with attempted murder, taking a gun to school grounds and possession of controlled substances, which could have added to his sentence if he were convicted. Jury selection was wrapping up when the agreement was reached.




  [真题例句] The jury (①) agreed that the nature of the game, not the helmet, was the reason for the athletes injury.[1999年阅读1]

  [例句精译] 陪审团也认为造成该运动员受伤的是这项运动本身的危险性,而不是头盔。



  [真题例句] Boston Globe reporter Chris Reidy notes that the situation will improve only when there are (17:comprehensive) programs that address the many needs of the homeless.[2006年完形]

  [例句精译] 《波士顿环球日报》记者克里斯·雷迪认为,只有通过全面规划来解决这些无家可归者的各种需求,这种局面才有可能得到改善。





  [真题例句] In order to grow, to travel new roads, people need to have a willingness to take risks, to confront (②) the unknown, and to accept the possibility that they may “fail” at first.[1995年阅读2]

  [例句精译] 要想成长,要想探索新的道路,人们就得乐于冒险,乐于面对未知世界,并敢于接受初次尝试便失败的可能性。




  a.年轻人的,孩子气的; n.青少年,孩子,少儿读物

  [真题例句] Most theories of juvenile(n.) delinquency have focused on children from disadvantaged families, (26:ignoring) the fact that children from wealthy homes also commit crimes.[2004年完形]

  [例句精译] 将少年犯罪主要归咎于贫困家庭的大部分理论忽略了一个事实,即那些来自富裕家庭的孩子也会犯罪。







  一名15岁男孩于本周二承认犯有谋杀罪,案发中一名高中官员被打死,另外两名受伤。审判开始之后挑选陪审团成员,随即宣布了一项认罪协议(plea deal,和政府方达成的为了避免较重的处罚而承认轻罪的协议)。

  法官宣布在2005年campbell镇综合高中校园枪击案中一项二级谋杀罪名及两项二级谋杀未遂罪名成立,判处Kenneth Bartley Jr. 45年监禁。

  根据最初的指控,这名青少年原本可能被判终身监禁。但在特别法官Jon Kerry Blackwood 咨询了辩方律师,主控律师,两位生存下来的行政管理大员,及死者遗孀之后,宣布了一项认罪求情协议。

  2005年11月8日,三名学校教职员获悉Bartley携带枪支进入学校,与其进行正面交涉。在校长办公室里,Bartley当场击毙48岁的助理校长Ken Bruce,打伤校长Gary Seale和助理校长Jim Pierce。

  在对陪审团的问讯会上,辩方承认当时年仅14岁的Bartley 向三名被害人开枪。


  副警长Darrell Mongar证实在二月份的听证会上,Bartley向他承认手枪为他父亲所有,他原本打算用它来换取一种名叫Oxycontin的强效止痛药。





